1.Bathroom Renovation with Wallpaper 

When it comes to updating your RV, anyone can do it with some time, patience, and a little research. 

Painting is the most significant change you can make in your camper, but it’s not an easy task and requires a lot of effort if done correctly. Keep in mind that RV remodeling is different from painting regular walls. To save yourself from a lot of hard work, here are my suggestions: 

First, choose one or two items from the following list to practice painting on and see how it goes before committing to the entire RV. The less experience you have in sanding, painting, and priming, the smaller the area you should start with. For example: 

  • – Cabinetry
  • – Accent wall
  • – Slide trim
  • – Dining area
  • – Entertainment center 

2.Tips for Successful RV Wallpaper Installation 

When it comes to wallpapering your RV, following these tips will help you achieve a smooth and hassle-free remodeling experience. 

  1. Choose the Right Wallpaper: Select your desired print and ensure you order extra if there are patterns that need to be matched along the seams. 
  1. Prepare the Walls: Before applying the wallpaper, thoroughly clean and wipe down the walls to ensure a smooth surface. 
  1. Start from the Top: Begin at one end of the wall, starting from the top. This will help you maintain control and prevent any unnecessary mistakes. 
  1. Peel Off in Small Sections: Slowly peel off the backing of the wallpaper in small sections as you move down the wall. This approach will help you avoid errors and achieve a neat finish. 
  1. Use a Squeegee: As you apply the wallpaper to the wall, use a squeegee to press it down smoothly. This will help to eliminate air bubbles and ensure a tight bond. 
  1. Address Bubbles: While it’s best to avoid them, if you notice small bubbles, you can easily pop them with a needle and then smooth them out for a seamless appearance. 
  1. Trim the Bottom: When you reach the bottom of the wall, use a razor knife to carefully cut along the edge of the base, ensuring a clean and precise finish. 

By following these steps, you’ll be able to successfully install wallpaper in your RV, transforming its interior and giving it a fresh new look.  

3.Tips for Successful RV Flooring Installation 

If you’re considering replacing the flooring in your RV, follow these tips for a rewarding and well-executed remodeling project. 

  1. Understand the Scope: Flooring is one of the most significant changes you can make in your camper, and it can greatly enhance the overall look of your space. However, it’s important to recognize that it’s not an easy task. In RV remodeling, painting and flooring are typically the largest undertakings, so be prepared for the amount of work involved. 
  1. Removing Carpet: Removing carpet can be challenging, especially if it’s securely installed by the manufacturers. To tackle this task effectively, use an oscillating Dremel tool to remove larger staples. Additionally, if the carpet is sandwiched beneath the walls, the Dremel can also be used to cut it along the edges. 
  1. Consider Molding and Trim: Remember that your work doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, utilizing molding and trim can help cover any uneven cuts in flooring, wallpaper, tile, and more. This approach adds a finished and intentional look to your RV remodel. 
  1. Prepare for Extra Grip: For a strong and durable bond between the flooring and the RV’s surface, consider using 3M adhesive spray. Apply the spray to both the wall and the flooring separately before installing them. This additional step will provide extra grip and ensure a long-lasting result. 

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle your RV flooring project effectively. Remember, while it may require some effort, the end result will be a transformed and refreshed interior space.


4.Tips for Upgrading Appliances and Faucets in Your RV Remodel 

When it comes to remodeling your RV, upgrading appliances and faucets can make a significant impact on the overall look and functionality of your space. Here are some tips to help you with these upgrades:

Upgrading Appliances:

If your existing appliances are in good working order, you can save money by repainting them with high-quality appliance epoxy instead of buying new ones. Follow these steps to get started: 

  1. Surface Preparation: Use a Scotch-Brite pad to scuff the surface of the appliances. This creates a textured surface that allows the epoxy to adhere properly. 
  1. Cleaning: Thoroughly clean the appliance to remove any dirt or grease. Allow it to dry completely before proceeding. 
  1. Applying Epoxy: Spray the appliance with the epoxy, applying two coats for optimal coverage. If there are any trim or surrounding areas you don’t want to paint, use tape to cover them. Additionally, if you want to paint the trim in an accent color, cover it with tape as well. 

Upgrading Faucets:

Faucets are an easy and impactful upgrade in RV remodeling, especially since manufacturers sometimes use lower-quality faucets. Consider the following when upgrading your faucets: 

  1. Kitchen Faucet: Opt for a kitchen faucet with a pull-down sprayer. This feature makes cleaning dishes and the sink much easier. If you haven’t used one before, it functions by adding a flexible hose that can be pulled down for targeted water flow. 
  1. Bathroom Faucets: Choose faucets that match the style and aesthetics of your RV. Consider options that offer water-saving features and enhanced durability. 

By upgrading your appliances and faucets, you can elevate the functionality and aesthetics of your RV without breaking the bank. These simple upgrades can have a significant impact on your overall remodeling project.  

5.Rethinking RV Lighting for Your RV Remodeling Project 

Contrary to popular belief, you are not limited to using RV lighting exclusively in your RV. When embarking on an RV remodeling project, there are plenty of exciting lighting options available outside the traditional RV lighting genre. 

Given the limited space in an RV, lighting plays a crucial role in its decor. For optimal results, I highly recommend incorporating indirect lighting. Harsh overhead lighting can detract from the ambiance of a small space. Instead, consider using small lamps that can be converted to 12-volt bulbs and plugged into the RV’s 12-volt system, as opposed to the standard 110/220-volt outlets. Alternatively, you can explore small RV spotlights available on platforms like Amazon. These spotlights provide excellent lighting and allow you to direct the light precisely where you want to highlight specific areas. 

Before purchasing any lighting fixtures, it is essential to take measurements for two reasons. Firstly, you need to ensure that the lighting fits the intended space properly. Secondly, the base of the new lighting should cover the hole left by the old light fixture. 

Essential Steps for Replacing RV Lighting 

Before purchasing new lighting for your RV, there are two important considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, ensure that the measurements of the new lighting fixture align with the intended space. Secondly, verify that the base of the new fixture will cover the hole left by the previous light. 

If the existing light fixture operates on DC power and the new fixture accommodates a 12V bulb, it should be compatible with your RV. 

If you’re uncertain whether the light you’re replacing runs on AC or DC power, it’s recommended to use a voltmeter for confirmation. 

Prior to any wire cutting, always turn off the power to ensure safety. 

When cutting the wires, aim to do so as close to the current light fixture as possible, allowing enough wire length to connect the new lighting. 

To splice the existing wires with the new ones, utilize wire strippers to cut and strip the insulation from the wires. 

Typically, in DC (12V) systems, RV manufacturers designate the black-wrapped wire as the ground and the white-wrapped wire as the hot wire (which is opposite to conventional homes). Therefore, when connecting the new wires, ensure they match the corresponding colors and tie the ground wire from the new fixture to the existing ground wire. 

6.Enhancing Your RV with a Backsplash Upgrade 

When it comes to RV remodeling, paying attention to the backsplash is crucial. RV manufacturers have begun recognizing the significance of this area in RV design. While using peel-and-stick backsplash may appear as the easier option, it is not significantly simpler than using real tiles. Moreover, the weight added by real tiles is negligible in such a small space. Fortunately, there is a game-changing product called Mussel Bound that simplifies the use of real tiles. 

Mussel Bound serves as a tile membrane, replacing the need for Mortar/All-Set. It offers several advantages, including faster installation, reduced mess, and the ability to ensure the tiles lie completely flat against the wall. To begin, measure and cut your tiles using a wet saw. Place the tiles on the tile membrane, but refrain from pressing them firmly until you are ready. Another notable benefit of MusselBound is that you can start grouting as soon as you have pressed the tiles onto the tile membrane, eliminating the need to wait for adhesive to dry. This feature significantly reduces the overall time required for the installation process. 

Transforming Your Shower or Tub and Upgrading Hardware for RV Remodeling

If you’re looking to revamp your RV shower or tub without the need for costly replacements or tiling, Rust-Oleum offers a tub and tile kit that can give them a brand-new appearance. While it requires some effort and time, this solution is a fantastic way to achieve a porcelain or tile look and feel for your fiberglass RV shower or tub. Additionally, it can be applied to various surfaces, breathing new life into them and freshening up their appearance. 

When it comes to RV remodeling, upgrading the existing cabinet hardware is a simple yet effective way to transform the overall look of your camper. Consider spray painting the old hinges and replacing the handles and knobs on your cabinetry. You can find a wide selection of hardware options at major home improvement centers, and if you’re looking for more whimsical choices, Hobby Lobby offers some fun alternatives. This hardware upgrade can make a significant difference in the overall aesthetic, especially if you decide to paint your cabinets as well. 

7.Revamp Your RV with Stylish Window Treatments 

Say goodbye to outdated valances and cheap blinds! By replacing your old window treatments, you can create a brighter and more spacious atmosphere inside your camper. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Carefully remove all the screws, saving them for later use. You might need a power or impact drill for this step. 
  1. Fill the screw holes with putty and sand them if necessary. Once the putty is dry, use a paint pen or stain that matches your walls to cover the patched areas. 
  1. Now, it’s time to choose new window treatments that suit your style. Consider installing 2″ faux wood blinds, curtains, or shutters to enhance the overall aesthetic. 

Decorate to Transform Your RV 

If you prefer not to engage in manual labor, you can still transform your RV through decorative touches. Try the following ideas: 

  1. Add rugs, decorative pillows, and throws to inject color and comfort into your space. 
  1. Hang mirrors, framed photos, and collages to personalize your surroundings and make it feel like a true home away from home. 
  1. Incorporate artificial plants to bring a touch of nature indoors without the need for maintenance. 

Take It One Step at a Time 

If you’re motivated to tackle multiple RV remodeling tasks, it’s important not to overwhelm yourself. Instead, take your time and focus on one project at a time. By approaching your renovations methodically, you’ll achieve better results and avoid unnecessary stress. 

Remember, whether you choose to update your window treatments or simply add decorative elements, these small changes can have a big impact on making your RV feel more inviting and personalized.